Deepak Malhotra, Investor & Landlord, Cheney WA,  99004

Should I Buy a Timeshare? The Pros, Cons & Hidden Costs

Most “new” timeshares are overpriced.  That is why such they use such hard sell tactics to try to sell them.  A building can be sold three times over by selling it as timeshares.  “Used” timeshares, that is, timeshares that are re-sold on the secondary market, can sometimes be a decent value.

A timeshare may make sense for you if you 1) typically take one week, two week, or three week vacations (timeshares are usually sold for one week each);  and 2) typically return to the same location (timeshares are usually for one location or one chain and there is a fee to join an exchange to be able to possibly transfer your time to another resort or location if available).  Also make sure that the annual maintenance costs are not unreasonably high.  The maintenance fees can sometimes be so high that hotels are cheaper.  People sometimes give timeshares away because of high maintenance fees.  Hotels also allow you more freedom in terms of where and when you vacation.  And hotels offer you the possibility of three day weekend vacations or vacations that are shorter than typical timeshare weeks.

You can buy “used” timeshares for a fraction of the new cost from brokers, Good places to look for them are and  These are also good places to rent other peoples’ weeks.