If you have a goal of learning how to invest in real estate, I suggest you start by reading books (as well as networking with established investors). You will usually get a lot more value per dollar with a book than with a course pushed by an infomercial.
Some books I enjoyed and recommend include:
Real Estate Investing from A to Z by William Pivar
The Millionaire Real Estate Investor by Gary Keller; and
Landlording by Leigh Robinson
I also recommend that you join your local landlord association. They will have form leases for purchase, discounts on services, and additional good networking. For motivation, you can also join a local real estate investment club. There is a list of groups here: http://www.reiclub.com/real-estate-clubs.php Note that some of these will be on the “creative” (high risk) side. Get away from any club that tries to sell you courses or seminars.